Mini-Camp Opportunities
Mini-camps are weekend CISV camps held throughout the year to give Junior Branch members an opportunity to connect with one another and continue to work toward CISV’s goal to educate and inspire for a more just and peaceful world. As camp information becomes available throughout the year, information will be posted here.
Local Mini Camp (JB Overnight)
Local Mini Camp, also known as JB Overnight will be held February. The Junior Branch board will plan activities focused on the four CISV educational content areas: Diversity, Conflict & Resolution, Sustainable Development, and Human Rights. This camp is intended for current Junior Branch members turning 10 this calendar year and older.
Details about the event will be posted to the events calendar.
As always, we need volunteers to help us make this a success. Please let us know if you’d be willing to volunteer for part or all of this event by emailing
The cost is $TBD, and registration information will be available in January 2024.
Regional Mini Camp
Regional Mini Camp, also known as RMC, will be held March. RMC is an annual weekend camp for all chapters in the Midwest Region of Junior Branch USA. Over the weekend, participants engage in educational and thought-provoking activities planned by the region’s Junior Branch leaders. It is a great chance to get to know others in our Midwest Region and learn more about what a CISV experience is like. Anyone aged 10+ years in the Junior Branch is invited to attend.
The cost is $TBD with registration information available in February 2024.
National Mini Camp
National Mini Camp, has been replaced by CISV Connect, more details to come.